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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Save those yarn labels.

Today I got a great idea from an unexpected source. A PBS show was suggesting that you make a wine label scrap book. You steam the labels off of your favorite wine bottles, and put them in a scrap book, which you can take to the wineries so you can remember which wines you liked.
Well, I don't drink, but I was just looking at an old skein of yarn I got at a Thrift store and I noticed the vintage label on it. So instead of saving wine labels, what about saving yarn labels, and having them for future reference and nostalic reasons? But since the labels have useful info on the front and back, I may have to use plastic sleeves instead of gluing them to a page. Which beats my current method of having them all over the house in bags and boxes and on the floor.

1 comment:

Hellbelle said...

Good plan. Maybe that will stop them breeding in my yarn boxes...