Welcome to Knit a Bit of Magic

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Free Patterns from Cascade Fixation

I had to go see if Cascade Fixations had a website and here it is and some great free sexy patterns too: http://cascadeyarns.com/patterns_fixation.asp

My Sockapalooza Socks are here

I got my sock trade today from my secret sock pal in Kansas. She doesn't have a blog yet, but I took my own photos. I love them, especially the ripples along the top!
The yarn is Cascade Fixation and the pattern is Broadripple from Knitty.com.
Thanks! I love them. And all the little gifties you sent along for the ride.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Flickr Photo Sharing

I made a pagan crochet group and a pagan knitters group over on flickr and I'd love to have more members if you are interested.



Waffle Stitch Bookmark

Front and back of waffle stitch bookmark.

I thought I'd design a waffle stitch bookmark to leave around randomly for people to find. I'm still going to add ribbons and maybe a charm or a shell or something, and the foundart.org tag in case they want to re-enter it into the site. I'm looking forward to designing other bookmarks.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


I've made a bit of progress on my Thyme scarf. Now that I've started weaving in some of the loose ends it's looking better than ever. I've also memorized the four row pattern so I'm 'in the groove' of doing row after row without having to write down notes or check off rows.
As I was driving to work yesterday I glanced down the street where the Knitty Gritty store used to be and I swear I saw a new sign that said "Sit and Knit" so hopefully a new knitting store is open.
I want to go to the new library as well, so maybe a trip is in order to both places in the middle of next week.
I'm thinking of going to the Santa Ana Zoo too. It's good to have things to look forward to.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Knit Shawl

I made this knitted shawl a few years ago.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Waffle Stitch

I was watching the Rosemary and Thyme mystery series on PBS and Thyme was wearing a really cool multi-colored scarf in a stitch I didn't even recognize. So I used that as an inspiration for a scarf that uses a waffle stitch. Right now it has tons of ends I have to weave in, but I want to post a photo of it anyway. For one thing, beginners need to see that knitting can look pretty unruly until you tidy it up at the end. It is so much easier to make big things with one or two colors, but I guess I'm just not wired that way. I must have Kaffee Fassette DNA because I'm happiest when a project has a plethora of colors.

Monday, May 08, 2006

H.P. Scarf

I'm still working on the Slytherin scarf. If you are working on a Harry Potter scarf too, please link your blog to mine.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'm off to mail my sockapalooza socks to their lucky recipient.